Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

women's health

Cyst in the womb! When the woman heard these words, must be especially anxious to have a cyst itself. Woman, especially the young, not married and not have children, will try to explore how that body does not have any cyst again. Indeed, there are a cyst in the womb of women, especially in a place where the egg cell production occurs (ovum), which is in the ovary (ovarium) is a scourge for women. They fear they can not get pregnant again, can not have children anymore, can not get more offspring, and can not be other-not because there has been an obstacle in their egg production cell. However, in the cyst ovarium not all violent, but there are also benign and can disappear by itself. So, actually does not need too ditakuti. If, people are afraid, the situation will disrupt psychological / mentalnya, the situation will be possible hormonnya and lower body endurance, making it easier for many diseases arise. However, when you know there is in the ovarium cyst, the early and self-examined as soon as possible to the doctor so quickly cyst can be treated so that the cyst did not grow up to be far too violent. However, symptoms often do not realize a new time and examined himself or someone to consult a doctor. This makes late cyst treated.

Cyst is a sac containing liquid or semi-liquid, air, fluid or thick pus, can grow anywhere, and various types. Ovarium is one of the female reproductive organs that produce functional ovum (egg cell). Place egg cell maturation also occur in the ovarium. Ovarium also mensekresikan important hormones such as estrogen and progesteron a role in the cycle menstruasi. Women have a pair of ovarium form bean-shaped gland walnut that is located on the right and left uterus (womb). Ovarium pair of cells can produce 300,000 eggs. From the results of the research, it is known that there are two hormones important for the function of the ovarium of FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone).

So that it can be said, ovarium cyst is a sac containing a fluid collection that occurs on or ovarium ovary. Ovarium cyst often occurs in women in the reproduksinya. However, do not close the possibility that the cyst ovarium can at any time between puberty and menopause, and even during pregnancy. However, the cyst can usually decline or disappear by itself after a woman enters the menopause because of declining activity ovarium.

Ovarium cyst form of the various. The cause of this is that later will determine the type of cyst. Most of the cyst form because the hormone level changes that occur during the menstrual cycle / menstruasi, cell production and release of eggs from the ovarium.

Ovarium cyst is usually not cancerous. If the cyst is still small, usually does not cause any symptoms. However, further research is needed to ensure that it is not cancer.

Some common types of cyst ovarium is:

1. Functional cyst
Cyst that has changed from the network during the normal menstrual function. Cyst akan this normal decline and disappear by itself over 2-3 menstrual cycles. There are 2 kinds of functional cyst, which are:

+ Cyst folikel
Cyst folikel arise as a result of folikel that does not work during the cycle menstruasi. Folikel cavity is a fluid that is in normal ovarium. In the normal circumstances, folikel containing the egg cells will be open during this cycle menstruasi cells to release eggs. However, in some cases, folikel this does not open, so that is not broken or folikel cells release eggs and eventually cause the dam bo akan later became cyst.

Folikuler cyst is usually not dangerous, rarely cause pain and often disappear by itself between 2-3 menstrual cycle. Small cyst folikel shaped so that does not usually cause any symptoms, unless the broken or terpelintir, can cause symptoms of pain and stiff feel great in the lower abdomen like appendicitis attack (appendicitis). Cyst is usually found accidentally when the doctor doing the examination USG.

Type folikuler is a type of cyst most often found.

+ Lutein cyst
Due to hormone changes, folikel can be changed to korpus luteum cells and removing the eggs to be fertilized and then, and korpus luteum berdegenerasi (absorbed and destroyed by its own body). This is normal. However, sometimes after the egg cell is released, discharge hole is closed and networks gather in it, cause korpus luteum cyst and a draw.

Cyst is usually lost with its own in a few weeks, but the cyst can grow to berdiameter 4 inch (10 cm) and the potential to bleed itself or ovarium which an urgent cause pelvic pain, or stomach. If the cyst contains blood, the cyst can be broken and cause internal bleeding and a sharp pain suddenly.

Some of the lutein cyst often occurs during pregnancy. Cyst is not dangerous, does not need to be appointed when the fetus does not, but require special supervision. This cyst akan wane or disappear by itself in line with the increasing age of the pregnancy.

There are several types of cyst lutein, which are:

1. Granulosa lutein cyst
Granulosa lutein cyst occurring in the korpus luteum ovarium functional.

This cyst can swell, resulting from excessive hoarding blood during bleeding phase of the cycle menstruasi and not a result of the tumor. Cyst arising at the beginning of this pregnancy and diameternya can reach 5-6 cm of the malaise in the pelvic area. When broken, bleeding occurred on one side stomach cavity. In the women not pregnant, this will make the cyst menstruasi late followed by bleeding that is not regular.

b. Theca lutein cyst
Theca lutein cyst fluid contains a clear and colorful, such as straw. The occurrence of theca lutein cyst associated with tumor ovary and hormone therapy.

2. Dermoid cyst
Ovarium cyst that contains the type of network multiformity eg hair, nails, skin, teeth and other. Cyst can occur since this is still small, may have even brought in his mother's womb.

Cyst is usually dry and does not cause symptoms, but can become large and cause pain.

3. Cyst endometriosis
Cyst that endometriosis of the network (the network is similar to the membrane wall of the uterus grows outside the uterus) and paste in an ovarium cyst. Cyst is often referred to as endometriosis because chocolate cyst contains blood coagulate and congeal, so bewarna reddish-brown. Cyst is associated with the disease endometriosis cause painful menstruation and painful sexual intercourse.
4. Kistadenoma
Cyst that developed from cells in the cortex ovarium surface, are usually benign. Kistadenoma can grow to be large so that the potential for violent and the other organs and cause stomach aches.
5. Cyst polikistik
Here, ovarium cyst contains many buildings from that which caused the cyst folikel thick ovarium caused by hormonal disturbances, especially the hormone androgen (hormone that owned by men in the number of lots. In women, this hormone normally few in number) over . Cyst ovarium make this up and create a thick outside layer that can prevent the occurrence of ovulasi (egg cell maturation), so that often cause problems infertilitas (disability have children after the sexual relationship with a regular although not using contraception in the time period of at least one year). Cyst this cycle causes the decrease occurred menstruasi and Infertility.
6. Type of cyst-cyst ovarium the other

For example: inklusi germinal cyst, cyst Stein-Leventhal, kistoma ovarii simpleks, and others.

Most women who have ovarium cyst does not cause symptoms. Symptoms usually occur if the patient has a cyst in a long time. Symptoms in the early stages are very varied and generally not specific, the form of menstrual disturbance / menstruasi. If you are up and pressing rektum or bladder, or constipation may occur frequently berkemih. Can also occur peregangan or areas of emphasis that cause pelvic pain or spontaneous pain at the time bersenggama, even bleeding can occur. At the stadium information, symptoms that occur related to the asites (hoarding fluid in the belly cavity) in the stomach cavity, so that the belly bulge, kembung, nausea, appetite disturbance, interference defecate and discard the urine. Cumulation fluids can also occur in the thoracic cavity due to the spread of disease to the chest cavity causing the patient feel very breathless.

Some things that can encourage cyst is:

1. Eating patterns

If you eat lots of fatty food and less fiber, the excess fat that will be hard parsed by the body, so that they can continue with hormone disruption. Likewise with the patterns that do not eat regularly, consume additional oxygen-synthetic substances in food by accident.

2. Psychological factors, eg stress, depression

Hormone patterns are influenced by stress, causing the amount of hormone is not restrained / subject. This impact on the development of the cyst depends on the hormonal, such as endometriosis and cyst polikistik.

3. Genetic factors

There are some people that greater genetic kecenderungannya to suffer cancer. There are also people who are less likely genetic. Therefore, if in the family health history have known that some people suffering from cancer, you should be more cautious with how to avoid the factors that can trigger cancer.

4. Lifestyle is not healthy, for example, less sports, smoking

Environmental factors such as the use of talk, consumption galaktose and sterilization that does not have any impact on the development of this disease.

There is a cyst in the ovarium can not make a difficult pregnancy. This depends on type of cyst and whether ovariumnya affected both of them or not. If only one affected ovarium cyst and one not, then there is always the possibility to be pregnant. There is a cyst in the ovarium is not always the pregnancy, this depends on the type and size of the cyst.

When cyst is benign in the ovarium and when the cyst is malignant in the ovarium, which means the danger?

According to dr. Pribakti, Sp.OG (K) from the existing hospital in Banjarmasin, ovarium cyst is often found on women's reproductive age and 95% benign. Part of the cyst is settled or even disappear without treatment or operation. Then dr. Hardi Susanto, specialists from the womb and obstetrics hospital in Jakarta, said 20-30% to be potentially malignant cyst. Some experts suspect cyst ovarium responsible for the occurrence of ovarium cancer in women over 40 years. Mechanism for the occurrence of cancer is still not clear, so it is recommended in women aged above 40 years to do the screening or early detection of potential cancer ovarium. Ovarium cancer is the most cause of death from all cancer gynecology. One sign that a malignant cyst ovarium is the rapid enlargement of cyst in a short time. Mortality due to disease ovarium cancer is quite high because this disease is initially without symptoms, and without complaint. In the new stadium could go to feel the symptoms. This disease is also referred to as the silent killer. Unfortunately, until now there is no early detection is simple to check the violence ovarium cancer. Unlike the serviks cancer (mouth of the womb), which can be detected early with papsmear.

Ovarium cyst examination based on symptoms and signs. Physical examination and some type of laboratory examination can help diagnosis of some type of cyst. To confirm the type of cyst ovarium, the doctor will perform physical examination and laboratory examination of some, and see through USG ovarium, anatomy pathology examination (PA), MRI, CT-Scan, laparoskopi or through surgery. When entering the stadium has been violent, the required examination tumor Marker.

There are several ways to determine if the cyst ovarium benign or malignant nature, namely:

* Based on physical examination

Jinka when:
Easy Pergerakkan moved (mobile)
Consistency / Kistik Content
There are only in 1 or 2 side 1 side body
Subtle and not surface berdungkul (smooth)

Violent when:
Difficult Pergerakkan driven (fixed / live)
Consistency / Contents dense (solid)
There is a 1 in the side body 2 body
Surface Berdungkul-dungkul

* Based on the results of radiografi

Tame if:
Simple cyst with a size of less than 10 cm
Thick septum of less than 3 mm
1 side
Does not form a mass in the stomach

Violent when:
Solid tumor (solid) or a mixture
Many septum and thick septum (wall) more than 3 mm
2 sides
Mass formed in the stomach (asites)

* Based on the pathological anatomy examination (PA) cell-selnya

No perlekatan so easy to be moved (mobile)
Capsule (wrapper) intact cyst

Violent when:
It's so difficult perlekatan driven (fixed)
Capsule (wrapper) cyst is not intact / broken / rupture

How it treated with?

Treatment depends on the type and size of cyst and age.

To folikel cyst, this cyst is not treated as it would need to recover by itself within 1-3 months. But still must be consulted on the doctor.

Lutein cyst to the granulosa lutein, which often occur in pregnant women, will recover slowly in the third semester of pregnancy, so rarely performed operation. Whereas for lutein the mind, it will disappear spontaneously if the cause has been eliminated.

For ovary cyst polisistik who live / persistent, surgery should be done to lift the cyst is not to cause disruption and pain.

For functional cyst, it can be used contraceptive pill that is used to decrease the size of cyst. Use of contraceptive pill also reduces cyst growth opportunities.

For women who undergo surgery cyst ovarium, should not make a sexual relationship in the healing period.

However, if the cyst up quickly, does not disappear after some therapy, feel pain, and suffered by women who have entered menopause, so doctors will perform surgery that can lift up the entire hybrid (histerectomy).

With a view on the situation, as women should be able to prevent himself does not have a cyst in peranakannya, but unfortunately there is no specific prevention efforts that can be done to avoid this disease. Efforts that can be done is to know early in the disease, so patients do not enter the stadium that is too dangerous and treatment is provided to give good results with minimal complications. These efforts is to conduct inspections on a regular basis which include:

1. Ginekologik clinical examination to detect the cyst enlargement or other ovarium.
2. USG examination, if necessary with the tools to detect the Doppler blood flow.
3. Vetting indication tumor (tumor Marker)
4. CT-Scan examination / MRI if necessary

Above examination is recommended, especially for women who have risk akan ovarium cancer occur, namely:

1. Women with early first menstruation and menopause more slowly
2. Women who never or difficult pregnancy
3. Women with a family history of cancer suffering ovarium
4. Female breast cancer patients and kolon

So, for the women, when there is interference-interference associated with the reproductive organs you, such as cycle menstruasi that are not regular and the other, immediately perisakan yourself to the doctor and keep your body, especially your womb so that you do not have nearly the spectral all women with very menakutinya perform routine gynecology examination to your doctor.